Designing our Schema

AWS AppSync - Schema Page

Our API Structure will look something like this (screenshot above). We will have Users, Each user can have many Lists and each List can have many Items

Open Schema section of our AWS AppSync API and you will see a page like the screenshot below. We will use this for defining our Schema i..e our Types, Queries and Mutations.

AWS AppSync - Schema Page

Here you can see Schema Editor and Data Types, We will add our schema in the Schema Editor.


GraphQL Types are used for defining the fields that will be accessible via GraphQL, We specify the field name and field type, Our API will make use of the following types

** The fields we specify here and the the fields we have in database can be different.

  • User: For User fields
  • List: For List fields
  • Item: For List Item fields

User Type:

Let's create our User type, We will require user to enter full name and email address, while phone number and address can be provided optionally.

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  email: String!
  phone: String
  address: String

List Type:

For Lists, We will ask user to provide list name and description.

type List {
  id: ID!
  user_id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String

Item Type:

For Items, We will ask users to enter item name, description, date, status and list id.

type Item {
  id: ID!
  list_id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String
  date: String
  status: Boolean!


GraphQL Queries are used for reading the data, like GET requests, We will make use of these queries to fetch the data from database.

The queries we define here will be available to us after deploying our API., We will make use of the following queries

  • user: This will return details of the logged in user
  • lists: This will return all the lists
  • list: This will return only single list
  • items: This will return all the items
  • item: This will return only single item

Let's define our Queries.

type Query {
  users: [User]
  user(id: ID!): User
  lists: [List]
  list(id: ID!): List
  items: [Item]
  item(id: ID!): Item


GraphQL Mutations are used for inserting and updating the data, Like POST/PATCH/PUT requests.

We will make use of these mutations for inserting and updating the data in database.

  • createUser: For creating the user
  • updateUser: For updating user details, resetting password
  • createList: For creating a list
  • updateList: For updating list details
  • deleteList: For deleting list and all of items associated with it
  • createItem: For creating items
  • updateItem: For updating items
  • deleteItem: For deleting the item

Let's define our Mutations.

type Mutation {

    name: String!,
    email: String!,
    password: String!,
    phone: String,
    address: String
  ): User

    id: ID!
    name: String,
    email: String,
    password: String,
    phone: String,
    address: String
  ): User

    user_id: ID!,
    name: String!,
    description: String
  ): List

    id: ID!,
    name: String,
    description: String
  ): List

  deleteList( id: ID! ): List

    list_id: ID!,
    name: String!,
    description: String,
    date: String,
    status: Boolean
  ) : Item

    id: ID!,
    list_id: ID,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    date: String,
    status: Boolean
  ) : Item

  deleteItem( id: ID! ): Item


Final Schema:

Now we need to add our Queries and Mutations to our Schema

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

In the end our schema will finally look like this.

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

type User {
  # id of the user
  id: ID!
  # name of the user
  name: String!
  # email of the user
  email: String!
  # phone number of the user
  phone: String
  # address of the user
  address: String

type List {
  # id of the list
  id: ID!
  # id of the user to whom this list belongs to
  user_id: ID!
  # name of the list
  name: String!
  # description of the list
  description: String

type Item {
  # id of the item
  id: ID!
  # id of the list to which this item belongs to
  list_id: ID!
  # name of the item
  name: String!
  # description of the item
  description: String
  # due date of this item
  date: String
  # whether this item has been marked as done or not.
  status: Boolean!

type Query {
  users: [User]
  user(id: ID!): User
  lists: [List]
  list(id: ID!): List
  items: [Item]
  item(id: ID!): Item

type Mutation {
  # this will add a new user in database
    name: String!,
    email: String!,
    password: String!,
    phone: String,
    address: String
  ): User
  # this will update existing user in the database
    id: ID!,
    name: String,
    email: String,
    password: String,
    phone: String,
    address: String
  ): User
  # this will add a new list in database
  createList(user_id: ID!, name: String!, description: String): List
  # this will update existing list
  updateList(id: ID!, name: String, description: String): List
  # this will delete a list and all of its items
  deleteList(id: ID!): List
  # this will add an item in the database
    list_id: ID!,
    name: String!,
    description: String,
    date: String,
    completed: Boolean
  ): Item
  # this will update the item in database
    id: ID!,
    list_id: ID,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    date: String,
    completed: Boolean
  ): Item
  # this will delete the item from database
  deleteItem(id: ID!): Item

Everything is same, I have just added comments.

Assuming you were writing all the above code in AWS Schema Editor, click on Save button. If you see any syntax error try to figure it our or just copy and paste this schema in the Schema Editor and it will work.

We will stop here for now.

In next Tutorial we will discuss about Creating Resources, Data Sources, Testing Queries, etc.

Until then have an awesome time.

Update Next Tutorial: Attaching Resolver to Our Mutations and Queries

Meta Information

This article was published on December 18, 2017 at 11:35 AM, updated on December 19, 2017 at 12:30 AM and is written by Dhruv Kumar Jha (me).
This is part of series: Building a Todo Application using GraphQL and AWS AppSync
AWS AppSync